Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Results
Federal Government Auditing Laws, Regulations, Standards, Practices, & Sarbanes-Oxley by Tierney, Cornelius E., Kear... ISBN: 9780471740483 List Price: $89.50
OMB Circular A-123 And Sarbanes-Oxley Management's Responsibility for Internal Control in Fe... by Tierney, Cornelius E., Kear... ISBN: 9780471768135 List Price: $99.95
Wiley Federal Government Auditing : Laws, Regulations, Standards, Practices, and Sarbanes-Oxley by Kearney, Edward F., Fernand... ISBN: 9781118722152 List Price: $120.00
Federal Accounting Handbook: Policies, Standards, Procedures, Practices by Tierney, Cornelius E., Kear... ISBN: 9780470083369